Neurons AI

Voter Prediction

Our learned team of data scientists and developers at Neurons AI Tech have, with over 20 years of political experience, developed a voter predictive algorithm that appropriately facilitates the most granular and accurate prediction of a voter across the process of electioneering.

We make use of multiple technologies to predict voter behavior at different stages like the launch of the campaign, the influence of key leaders, impact analysis, constituency level predictions, opposition manual voter prediction at booth level, demographic prediction, predictions based on caste, religion and other characteristics. The algorithms are developed on the fundamentals of data analysis, the internet of things, machine learning, and deep learning that can predict voter behavior very peculiarly using data and surveys.

Making use of our artificial intelligence algorithms, the political parties can run mass mobilization, targeted campaigns for social media and mainstream media, campaigns for fence-sitters, committed voters and opposition supporters, dynamic analysis of the impact of election strategies, dynamic live information to take decision and course of corrections and more.

Our algorithms are powerful enough to predict and provide fundamental level information of the candidate to formulate the strategy and tactics to be deployed most appropriately and effectively. Neurons AI Technology analysis and predictions will provide all the weaponry for winning the elections

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